Who Are We
Lyons Global Investigations LLC. was established to provide a private investigator for insurance claim investigations for self insured corporations, insurance companies, third party administrators, trucking companies and law firms. We also provide professional investigative services and training modules to the legal profession, corporations and private individuals.
“To Be Persuasive; You Must Be Believable
To Be Believable; You Must Be Credible
To Be Credible; You Must Be Truthful” (Edward R. Murrow)
Its this saying that separates LYONS from the rest.
At LYONS your part of our Pride.
Leader of the Pride
Richard Lyons was born and raised in the SW suburbs of Chicago. He attended St. Laurence H.S. and earned a degree from Western Illinois University. He attributes his tireless work ethic and integrity to his Irish born parents.
Mr. Lyons is a retired federal agent with 35 years of government and private investigative experience. Mr. Lyons served as Acting ASAC and Resident Agent in Charge (RAC) of a DHS Internal Affairs group responsible for conducting investigations of alleged employee misconduct in eleven states. RAC Lyons presented an anti-corruption course to Moldovan officials in Chisinau, Moldova to coincide with an anti-corruption law pending before the Moldovan Parliament.
RAC Lyons served as a guest instructor on numerous occasions to the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, traveled to Denmark; Lithuania; Russia and Italy relative to a joint investigation with the US Attorney’s Office and maintains a Top Secret security clearance.
Mr. Lyons previously conducted investigations for the insurance carrier representing the Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) requiring photographs of CHA stairwells and tenant statements. He also obtained evidence acquired through surveillance, undercover operations and test shipments relative to employee pilferage of customer property from a national public transportation company resulting in testimony, employee resignations and removals.
Mr. Lyons is a member of the Chicago Bar Association (Associate), Iowa Association of Private Investigators and the Florida Association of Private Investigators. These associations enable him to remain proficient in the field through continuing education, networking and abreast of legislative and State licensing requirements.